While traveling through the Rio Grande Valley I came upon an Educator/Technology Region One Coordinator/Mother/Botanist named Maria Elena Ovalle. Ms. Ovalle is a Native Tejana, whose family goes back at least 500 years. This recipe she learned from her mother, who learned it from her mother's grandfather, next-door neighbors great grandmother. This chili recipe is old, it's Tex-Mex and it will delite!
Doña Maria Elenena's Chili
(serves 4 people)
1 lb. of Carne Molida (Hamburger Meat)
1 diced tomato
1 cup kidney beans
1 tsp Red Pepper
I clove of mashed Garlic
Union (or union salt for people who're allergic to union)
Mash the meat into a large cooking pot
Add tomato and a small can of tomato sauce
Add onion
Add tablespoon of chile powder (chimayo is best)
Cook until meat cooked
Add comino 1/4 tsp and tsp of black pepper
Add cooked kidney beans (can use any type of beans) last after meat is cooked.
Let sauce marinate.