While traveling through the Rio Grande Valley I came upon an Educator/Technology Region One Coordinator/Mother/Botanist named Maria Elena Ovalle. Ms. Ovalle is a Native Tejana, whose family goes back at least 500 years. This recipe she learned from her mother, who learned it from her mother's grandfather, next-door neighbors great grandmother. This chili recipe is old, it's Tex-Mex and it will delite!
Doña Maria Elenena's Chili
(serves 4 people)
1 lb. of Carne Molida (Hamburger Meat)
1 diced tomato
1 cup kidney beans
1 tsp Red Pepper
I clove of mashed Garlic
Union (or union salt for people who're allergic to union)
Mash the meat into a large cooking pot
Add tomato and a small can of tomato sauce
Add onion
Add tablespoon of chile powder (chimayo is best)
Cook until meat cooked
Add comino 1/4 tsp and tsp of black pepper
Add cooked kidney beans (can use any type of beans) last after meat is cooked.
Let sauce marinate.
Don't forget: do not add oil, and drain the fat after the meat is cooked. Also, add one can of diced tomatoes to the ingredients. Finally, some people like to add cheese to their servings.